He put in a good half day of construction work today. I don’t really know why it was a planned half-day. I think he mumbled something earlier in the week about having a small bathroom repair for someone in the morning and that he would take the rest of the day off, but I can’t be entirely sure. I was only half listening. I’m kind of bad about that sometimes. (Oh, by the way, my camera says I took these photos at 1:57 p.m. This is really important to note.)
I came home earlier than normal today too. Girl 2 and Girl 3 take part in a science class with other homeschoolers on Friday mornings, and typically the afternoons are reserved for running errands, but not today. Why? Because this morning Cowboy said he needed Girl 2 to get home early. Girl 1 had to work, and Cowboy wanted to go look at a pony, so Girl 2 had to go with him to ride it. My friends, let me take this moment to announce: we are buying a pony.
Now before you go assuming some bad non-listening stuff about me, let me defend myself up front by telling you that this time I truly WAS listening FULLY, and even though he SAID he was going to LOOK at a pony, I have learned to listen instead to what he MEANS. He definitely means we will own a pony before this Friday is over. Do you know how I know? Look at this…

This is Cowboy in his truck. He is leaving our farm. He’s headed out to “LOOK” at a pony…with our horse trailer attached. The trailer, I’m sure he would say, is going along with him “just in case.” (For the record, my camera says this photo was taken at 2:01 p.m. Have you figured out where this timeline thing is going yet…?)
Anyway, as he left the house he defended his shopping trip by delivering his usual disclaimer: “If I buy it, it will be a project pony. I can train it and turn it in a couple of months.” There was no need for a reply on my part. That silly argument may have worked on the first nine horses, but I’m not falling for that trick again. I’m smarter this time.
At this point in the story I could post a few more “wait for it” pictures, but to save your precious time and my precious blog space I will cut right to the chase. See this…?

It’s Cowboy and his truck coming home…this picture was taken at 5:58 p.m.
Then there is this one at 6:00:

And, oh my golly…what is that coming out of the trailer at 6:01?

SURPRISE! Wow, that sure looks like a pony to me!
Now you should not think the story ends here. No sir. Not yet. The end is near, but before I get too far ahead of myself, let me take a moment to remind you of the quote above. You know the one…it included some silly words like project pony…training…turning…couple of months.

As Girl 1 led the pony into the barn, Girl 3 asked Cowboy how long the pony would be staying. “We’re probably going to sell him,” Cowboy said. Did you catch that? PROBABLY. Do I need to translate for you? Yeah, didn’t think so.
Meet Vegas:

Blue roan Quarter Pony

Isn’t he handsome?

He kissed my camera at 6:11…

Made his bed at 6:14…

And completely stole our hearts exactly 60 seconds later.
Welcome home Vegas.

I’m such a sucker.
He is a doll! You and my husband would have ALOT in common when it comes to spouses that like to go "LOOK" and animals. He could totally relate to you with this post. I though did not get the horse we looked at today:( I would have but the guy just wanted too much money and wouldn't come down. So we walked.
I read some of your posts and they are adorable. You guys have a great heart.
I would like it if you would put the word out that I am seriously ready to buy a english horse. Thanks :)
Thanks my friend! Hey, rumor has it a not-so-empty horse trailer will be making its way to your house today! Congrats on your new BIG GUY! :)
Man, that little pony sure can run! LOL. Can't WAIT to get back to the barn and ride again soon!
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