Friday, November 7, 2008

Caterpillars and Ponies

Last night I was witness to what must be the most wondrous blessing of life...the joyful laughter of little children! Two little girls (I'll call them J & K) were here for their weekly riding lesson with Sugar-The-Wonder-Pony. Let me start by sayng that these two little ones are precious! We enjoy their wide-eyed wonder, innocent (yet pointed) questions and observations, and beautiful smiles each time they visit.

J & K have quite an obvious affection for Sugar-The-Wonder-Pony. I think it's mainly due to the fact that Sugar gives them a little taste of complete independence. We have watched these two literally mature before our eyes as they reach to comb Sugar's mane and brush her back without having to be lifted by an adult or having to stand on a stool. (And, I might add, Sugar lives up to her sweet name by standing quietly, allowing them to do whatever they please to her tiny little frame!)

After saddling The Wonder Pony, J took a turn at riding while K led the pony with a lead rope. They chatted, giggled, and laughed as they made the rounds, taking a moment to "switch" so K could take her turn in the saddle with J leading the pony. It didn't take many circles around the arena before they spied a fuzzy caterpillar climbing the barn wall. J, still leading Sugar, tip-toed her way over so they could all take a closer peek at him. As they watched him, Lindsay reached out and gently scooped the fuzzy creature up, turning to lay him in K's hand...and that's when the giggling began! Joyful laughter filled the barn as K was tickled by the fuzzy caterpillar, and by the time J had led Sugar to the observation area to show K's Dad, K was literally bellowing with laughter, and J was doubled over in pure delight!

Of course their laughter was infectious, and every adult in the barn began to giggle right along with them. It was the silliest little thing, but I was struck by the wholesome innocence of these two girls and the simple joy they found in that tiny creature of nature! Oh, to have that innocence once innocence untouched by the world's hurts and injustices. And that's when I realized (yet again!) that these children who come to our riding facility offer us just as much as we could EVER offer them! We only offered a pony. God supplied the fuzzy little caterpillar. Those two little girls provided us a gift only they could give...a rare opportunity to revisit the joys of childhood!

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