Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Have you ever considered how many songs there are about "summertime?" The one that started this thought this morning was the old blues-y "Summertime and the livin's easy..." I sang it out loud (and then laughed when it occurred to me that I could learn a little bit from that first line!). Since I constantly have songs swimming through my brain, I immediately jumped from that lazy dreamy tune to the much faster tempo of "Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime..." (which seems to more aptly fit the pace our family keeps!). If I would ask my daughters for a summertime song, they would of course mention the Kenny Chesney song, "two bare feet on the dashboard.....Perfect song on the's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, it's summertime." Being a kid once myself, I'm transported back to the memories of many-a-time on the front porch swing with my momma and little sis singing "In the good old summertime, in the good old summertime, Strolling through the shady lanes with your baby mine." (My sister and I would always giggle when we got to the part "she's your tootsey wootsey!") My, how music has changed over the years...and oh, how the pace of life has changed as well! But as much as I love looking back on the seemingly slower days of my youth, I would never want to trade these faster-paced, fun and fulfilling days of NOW!

The "Big Event" in the B5 family summertime is the Wayne County 4-H Fair. We were blessed to spend nine days with our daughters and ever-increasing circle of adopted family of 4-H'ers. What a treat! Of course we were exhausted by week's end, but wouldn't trade the memories, experiences, or the opportunities the Lord provided us to touch those young lives for any amount of extra zzzzzz's! Yet another blessing awaited us upon our return home to our Jordan's Crossing family. Our student list is quickly expanding, and the smiles, hugs and laughs we experience in this daily journey bring us so much joy!

Yes, it is "SUMMERTIME." The livin' here may not be exactly easy (we don't usually experience shady lane strolls with our tootsey wootsey, after all!), but it isn't hard to flip on the radio and tap our bare feet to that perfect song, or take a moment to dance through the sum-sum-summer tasks. And though that may not sound like much, it's always enough to make us happy. And isn't that what summertime is really all about?

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